GodFirst has been in Christchurch, Dorset for 30+ years, Today we can stand on the shoulders of those who have been on this journey before us, with a thankful heart and once again we can hear the voice of God telling us that there is so much more. Moving forwards requires new thinking and new activity. There are no well-worn paths where we are going.
GodFirst will be a church where we encounter God in order to become an encounter for the sake of the world. We will see people saved and developed into transformed disciples who think and live like Jesus and, in turn, transform the community and people around them for good by advancing the Kingdom of God and bringing heaven to earth wherever they are. This vision is for everyone, every day and everywhere.
We will be a church who passionately love God and the person in front of us. It means we are more than a set of meetings or a programme of events. We believe we are a community of people on earth to bring the Kingdom of God (Jesus’ healing, salvation freedom, peace and justice) everywhere and every day.
We will be a church that brings the transforming love, power and goodness of our God to the world in ways that transforms our families, workplaces, schools, neighbourhoods, nation and the nations. A people who are pulsating with the Holy Spirit, devoted to God, the Bible and one another; a church that models friendliness, hospitality and strong family life; a church that sees many people saved and is large, diverse and influential; a community of people that involves, encourages and values everyone, and where there is love, laughter, food and fun; a church family who adventure forwards in unity and grow as disciples. The dream is to be a people whose lives shine in the darkness with transforming power.