
Giving is about worship

Giving is an act of worship. It is an expression of thankfulness and love for God. How we use our money can reveal our priorities and what’s going on in our hearts. Everything we have is from God, and we honour Him when we give financially to bless and serve the church and those around us.



The Bible has clear teaching about handling our money and giving. It instructs us to give from a joyful heart, because we want to, not because we ‘have’ to. It says to give regularly, proportionally (according to income) – and in faith: trusting God to provide. Giving ten percent (a ‘tithe’) is a great starting point on the journey to becoming an extravagant cheerful giver.

How to give

We really appreciate you partnering with us to see our vision of ‘to be transformed people who transform the world’ outworked.

If you would like to contribute financially to the work of GodFirst, please make a bank transfer using the details below. Alternatively, contact us to discuss other payment methods.

If you’d like to invest in all God is doing through GodFirst. You could do a simple bank transfer or standing order using our bank details below.

If you pay income/capital gains tax, Gift Aid enables us to get an extra 25% from your gift, at no extra cost to you. For us to claim this back from the government we need an up to date declaration form. If you have access to our ChurchSuite system you can easily create the declaration at Alternative you can download the form here, or fill it in online here.


Thank you.

Account name: GodFirst Christchurch
Sort Code: 30-92-02
Account Number: 00241625
Reference: ‘Your initial+Surname’


Building Fund