
Alpha is for anyone wanting to explore faith and Christianity.

It’s a place where you can feel welcome and at ease as you ask big questions and discuss beliefs. Our Alpha courses are friendly and informal, giving plenty of opportunity for getting to know others and having great discussions about the talks.

We run Alpha courses at various times throughout the year; to find out more information, contact hello(at) or view the information further down.

Who is it for?

Some people come because they have lots of really tough questions. Some want to investigate what Christians really believe. Other people want to brush up on the basics of faith, and some just feel a sense of searching for God.

Any reason is valid and everyone is welcome!

Who is it for?

Some people come because they have lots of really tough questions. Some want to investigate what Christians really believe. Other people want to brush up on the basics of faith, and some just feel a sense of searching for God.

Any reason is valid and everyone is welcome!

To find out when the next course is, scroll down this page!

A Typical Alpha Session

An Alpha session starts with snacks and time to get to know each other. We then have a short talk on one aspect of Christianity and faith. After this we break into small groups to give everyone a chance to discuss their own thoughts about what has been said.

Get involved

Our courses starts with a meal on the first evening (7-9pm), followed by the course that starts the following week (7-9pm). Details on the next dates are shown below and you can sign up on each event link. 

Have some more questions? We would love to chat to you, feel free to email hello(at)

Upcoming Dates