The word ‘Sozo’ is a greek word used in the New Testament and means to be ‘saved’, ‘healed’ and ‘delivered’. It was used by Jesus when a woman pushed through a crowd just to touch his cloak in the hope she might be healed (Matthew 9.21-22). It was used when Jairus, asked Jesus to come and save his dying daughter (Mark 5.23). And it was used when an angel visited Joseph to tell him of Jesus’s birth (Matthew 1.21).
In fact it is used 110 times in the New Testament in context of being ‘saved’, ‘healed’ and ‘delivered’.
We are pleased to be able to offer this type of prayer which is gentle, honouring and empowering. It deals with the roots of issues, healing relationships with others and strengthening your relationship with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You can have a Sozo for any number of things. It is particularly good for the following:
If you feel far from Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit or if you feel you can’t hear them
If there are people you need to forgive from your past or present
If you feel ‘stuck’ emotionally, physically and/or spiritually
If there is pain from the past that you can’t get over
If you want to be even closer to Father God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit and want a special encounter with them
If you just want an emotional or spiritual ‘check up’
Our purpose is to help people learn to live in ‘wholeness’ and grow in their connection to the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To achieve this we focus on the wounds and the lies that people have in their lives, which keep them from living life to the full, in healthy relationship with God and one another.
A Sozo session generally lasts around 1½ - 2 hours and is conducted by two people who will, using the Sozo tools and with the help of the Holy Spirit, walk you through the process towards freedom and wholeness. It will be a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit and discovering more of your God given identity and destiny.
No-one is too young or too old to benefit from this prayer, although the youngest we are trained to work with at this time, is aged 18.
If you would like to book a Sozo please fill in our Bethel Sozo request form, and one of the team will be in contact with you soon
If you have any questions regarding Bethel Sozo sessions, or would like help filling in the form, please do contact us.