
In the "How-To Study Series" booklet entitled "Praying the Lord's Prayer" Terry Virgo suggests how we might start our prayer time.  For the phrase 'Our Father in heaven' he writes: "Relax with God as his child. Talk to him freely and naturally about his recent involvement in your life and thank him."

Every word here is important. They have been in my head for many years, but in my weakness the words "relax with God" have always been a struggle for me. There have been a number of precious occasions when the Father has clearly and tangibly spoken to me, touched me and brought revelations of his love for me and his acceptance of me. But I have always longed for that continuous feeling of bonding with Him that I see in the best of fathers as they interact with their beloved and cherished children.

Last Monday evening, while using the cross-trainer at the Urban Fitness Centre, and again meditating on Terry's words, I suddenly felt God speaking to me and giving me a picture. I saw myself as a child of about 8 and the Father had his arm around my shoulder and was smiling across at me. It was fairly close up and in profile. I was more aware of the Father's expression of joy mixed with genuine concern, but I knew the child was me and the focus of his attention and affection. He looked in his late twenties and was saying: "You really can relax with me. It is not difficult. I chose you. You became my child when you were 8 and put your trust in my Son and received him into your heart. You were born again into my family in the same way that you had been born into your own. But there is more. I also adopted you; so you are doubly mine and I am doubly yours."

Something went from my head to my heart and I was greatly encouraged. My prayer is that it will remain there, but I know from the past, and from the experiences of others, that it will need a daily affirmation. "Desire needs to work through Discipline to get to Delight" David Smith. That is why I love the words "again and again and again and again" in the following beautiful song. 

Mine may well not be your experience, but I know, and have talked and prayed with many (both Christian and non-Christian) for whom inner rest and relaxation remain in the hopes and dreams bracket. The devil's lies need to be identified, renounced and rejected. They need to be replaced by faith in biblical truth. Many get messed up by their biological families. The Father wants his family, the church, to put them back together again.

Run to the Father

