
"I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; conforming to my will and purposes; a man whose heart beats to my heart and who will obey me; who will do what I tell him; who will fulfil my entire will; who will do everything I want him to do" (Acts 13:22 various versions). This was written about 1000 years after David died. And this is how God wanted him to be remembered; not for his terrible sins of adultery and murder. David knew how to repent deeply and how to receive forgiveness. The proof of this is in his freedom to immediately enter the presence of God and worship him knowing that God would never raise these issues with him again (2Sm 12:20). (This whole episode isn't even mentioned in 1 Chronicles which covers the whole of David's life.) Sadly, I have met Christians for whom David's sins loom far larger than his heart that beat to God's heart. Do we still look in a jaundiced way on any of God's children who have fallen badly, yet repented?

As I read through Psalm 23 again recently, I found myself thinking that this truly was David's personal testimony. It is not necessarily that of all who read it. I wanted it to fully apply to me, but simply assuming it did left me feeling somewhat hypercritical. Then I felt God whisper in my ear: "Rewrite it just for yourself as though I were speaking the words directly to you. You can even add what you feel me saying to you personally." Here is what I wrote:

"I am your Good Shepherd; the Guardian of your soul. You can trust in Me completely. You will always have all that you truly need: physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually and by way of encouragement. I will also provide times of rest for you in the green meadows of my grace. Stop and regain your perspective. Abide in me. Abide in my love. I will lead you beside peaceful streams of refreshment. Don't be quick to move on. I will renew your strength as you wait on Me. I will guide you along right paths that bring honour to My name. Trust Me in this. I have never led you down a wrong path and never will."

"Even when you walk through the darkest valley and doubts and fears threaten to overwhelm you, you need never, ever be afraid, for I will always be close beside you. I am your true, perfect Father and you are the apple of my eye and the one in whom my heart delights. I am faithful and true. My shepherd's rod and My shepherd's staff will protect and comfort you. They will also lovingly correct and discipline you whenever you need it. I won't let you stray away from me because I know you love me very much indeed.

"I will always be preparing feasts for you in the presence of your enemies – those who wrongly oppose you, criticize you, judge you and dismiss you unfairly. But don't forget to ask Me if anything they say has a measure of truth in it. Remember, I am seeking to change you daily."

"I will honour you before others and anoint your head with oil. Show your appreciation. Your cup will always overflow with blessings. Be sure to maintain a thankful heart. You can be sure that My goodness and My unfailing love and My mercy will pursue you all the days of your life, and you will indeed live in My house forever."
