Thought for the day


What is Jesus doing right now? He is praying for each of us 24/7! This reflects his heart for us and his continued commitment to us. We are on his heart every day! "Jesus is able, once and forever, to save [to the uttermost; comprehensively] those who come to God through him [in the here and now, not just at conversion]. He lives forever [in heaven right now] to intercede with God on their behalf [every moment of every day]" (Heb. 7:25). I have never really thought about this before, but isn’t it amazing.

Justification is a once-and-for-all declaration of our being not guilty. Intercession has the idea of a third party mediating between two others in order to bringing them together. But what is there for Christ to plead for on our behalf once we are saved? His intercession is a moment-by-moment application of his atonement to every area of our lives. When Jesus intercedes for us, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live out our salvation and to cooperate with him in being transformed into Christ's likeness.

We are sinners "to-the-uttermost". We need a "to-the-uttermost" Saviour. Not "for-the-most-part" and needing us to make our own contribution! Jesus holds his high priestly role permanently and his intercession bears this out. His forgiveness is to the uttermost and goes to the deepest areas right now where we feel shame. His heart is most strongly drawn there in order to set us free.

Christ continues to intercede on our behalf in heaven because we continue to fail here on earth. John Calvin wrote: "Christ turns the Father's eyes to his own righteousness to avert his gaze from our sins. He so reconciles the Father's heart to us, that by his intercession he prepares a way and access for us to the Father's throne." Christ is praying for us even when we are negligent in our own prayer life.

How would we feel if someone were to say to us: "You bring me joy and delight and I pray for you every day with a heart of love and deep concern for your welfare"? Well, Jesus does say this to us, and it is not just every day, it is every hour of every day!

"Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one – for God himself has given us right standing with himself [justifying us]. Who then will condemn us? No one – for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honour at God’s right hand, pleading for us [interceding for us]" (Rom. 8:33-34).

Jesus never forgets us. He is like the perfect Father always following every aspect of our life and progress, always loving us warmly, always wanting the best for us. Reminding and prevailing upon the Father to always welcome us when we approach him in prayer; not that there is any reluctance on the Fathers part. Jesus prays: "Father, wait and be patient with him. Hopefully he will come before you today." Jesus is cheering us on while he intercedes for us. He is not austere. Christ's intercession is his heart connecting our heart to the Father's heart.
