Thought for the day - COVID-19 - Part1


The consequence of refusing the vaccine for Covid 19 could be the death of many; as has been said: "none of us is safe until we are all safe". The two main objections to the vaccine are (1.) its supposed direct use of human embryonic cells and (2.) its supposed incorporation into the body of a mechanism that will enable the government to track us (i.e. the fulfilment of 666: the mark of the beast). I have enlisted the help of Roger Smith concerning the first. He is a lawyer, church planter and someone who worked for Care for a number of years. He is also something of an expert on Christian ethics. We will look at the second tomorrow.

Roger writes: "I do sympathise with the objection 'because it contains cells from human embryos' but, as the website below makes clear, there are no embryonic cells in the final vaccine. The truth is that most of our current vaccines can be traced back to the 1960's and 1970's use of embryonic cells. I think this falls within the 'conscience' issues of 1 Cor. 8 (whether or not to eat food known to have been offered to idols). Interestingly, the Vatican has approved the use of the vaccine for Catholics on the basis that there is no ethically acceptable alternative."

For us, surely the conscience issue is between endangering the lives of other as well as our own by refusing it, and avoiding at all costs anything developed through the use of embryonic cells however remotely. I had my jab on Sunday and I haven't heard of any church leaders I know personally who are refusing it.

I have included below what I think is a very thorough argument in favour of receiving the vaccination by John Stevens, National Director of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches. He combats the arguments of John Piper and Dave Brennan who believe that to receive the vaccine is to "do evil so that good may come" and concludes "I am pro-life but in this situation also pro-vaccine. I don’t think those convictions are incompatible." Personally, I agree with him. (I have agonized over writing this as I know some hold very strong views regarding refusing it, but have researched it as thoroughly as I can. At the end of the day, it is a matter of personal conscience.)

