Weekly News 10/03/2023

Weekly News 10/03/2023

Thank you to John Bament

On Sunday we are honouring John and thanking him for everything that he's done in our church, over the last 30+ years! We have an online card, please click here to leave a message for John. We will also have physical cards to sign in the auditorium on Sunday.

International Mission

This week we hear an update from Miro & Sneja in Serbia; see below for more information & prayer requests.

Be Baptised

Getting baptised is a key part of the journey in following Jesus. If you'd like to get baptised, the next baptisms are on Easter Day, Sun 9th April. For more information or to sign up, click here.

New Songs Playlist

We've created a Youtube playlist of some new (some not so new) worship songs that we may introduce over the next few months. Let's listen and use them in our own worship times. Click here to listen!

Kids Impacting Serbia

Duncan & Jo are visiting Serbia in April. Sonja is collecting children's books (ages 0-10) for their library and would love any books that your children would like to donate. Click here for a video, where Sonja explains to the children what her heart is behind this. Please bring on Sundays until 12th March. Thank you!

The Wonder 

EARLY BIRD tickets are only on sale until THIS SUNDAY, 12th March - Get booked in today! This is going to be so good!
For more information and to book, click here
Sat 13th May, 10am-5pm


Easter Eggs for First Steps

This Easter at First Steps we would like to provide each child with a small Easter Egg as a gift from the GodFirst family. 

We would love this to be a ‘personal gift’ to show we care about the First Steps families. Would you consider donating £1 for an Easter Egg that will be given to a child from you, with a label along the lines of ‘Dear Bobby, Happy Easter from Dave & Rachel at GodFirst church’. 

If you would like to be involved, please bring £1 cash this Sunday, 12th March and add your name to the list that will be in the cafe on the small stage. We would like to provide around 70 Easter Eggs!

Calling all Musicians

We currently have some space for instrumentalists on our worship team. If you play an instrument, particularly drums, keyboard or bass guitar we would love to hear from you!
An audition will be offered to anyone who is interested, where we will be looking for three things; a certain level of skill, a ‘right fit’ on musical style, and of course a heart of worship. We're also desperately looking for people for the sound and tech teams.
If this is you, please call or email the church office.

18-30s Lunch

Calling all those from 18-30s; you're invited to lunch at Duncan & Jo's house on Sun 12th March, 1:30pm. There'll be food, chat and a chance to ask questions of the leaders. For numbers and catering,please sign up here.

Preaching & Teaching Workshop

Morné is creating a space to help train and develop those who have a desire to preach or teach and lead others to the Father. For ALL ages from 13+. Click here for a video and click here for more information and to sign up. First one: Sun 26th March, 7:30pm.

An African Dream Feedback

Thank you to all who prayed for the team who recently went to Uganda. Please come along to this evening, to hear news from the trip, and pray for the work in Western Uganda. Love Sophie and the Team. Mon 13th March, 7:30pm @ The Runway.


Strongholds Resource

The elders would like to draw your attention to this resource written by Tony Goodman. The booklet is designed to help identity and confront areas in your life that are holding you back from walking in the abundant life that Jesus has provided for us. We recommend you engage with this free online resource. If you would prefer to purchase a hard copy, Tony has some available for £5 each and will be selling these after church this Sunday and next, 12th & 19th March.

Please click here for our website with additional information, including a short videointerview with Morné and Tony.

Chaiya Arts Awards

The UK’s biggest art awards illuminating faith and spirituality is bigger and better than ever. This third biennial competition, is now preparing to host
over 100 artists in a unique Winners exhibition entitled AWE+WONDER.
 Artist's work expresses itself in diverse mediums
including – painting, sculpture, textiles, photography, installations, film, and ceramics.

Venue: OXO + Bargehouse galleries, Bargehouse St, London SE1 9PH
7-16 April 2023, 11am-6pm (last day till 4pm)
FREE ADMISSION. Art for sale £150 - £25,000.

We host thousands of visitors over the 10 days and really need your help hosting them at the exhibition. Click here to find out more, or click here to sign up to volunteer

Future Dates

13th May | Rise: The Wonder
31st July| Newday
25th Aug | Summer Camp
13th Oct | Open Heaven Conference

For more information on our events visit the events page

International Mission

Miro & Sneja in Serbia

Praise God for answered prayer regarding Miro's back pain; He is due to have his last physio appointment in Bratislava on Tuesday 10th April. Hopefully this will be his last.

Please pray for Miro and Sneja this Saturday as they have a special Women's meeting in Silbas; their hometown. 

Next Tuesday, Miro travels to Sarajevo for the weekend, meeting with churches and ministering.

Please also pray for Doug as he prepares to visit Miro between 10th and 17th of April.
