Sat, 10am | Creative Spirit Space
Sun, 9:50am | Pre-Service Prayer
Sun, 10:30am | Sunday Service
Sun, 7:30pm | Prayer Seminar
Mon, 10:30am | Powerhouse
Tues, 10:30am | Truth be Told-Southbourne
Tues, Noon | Zoom Prayer
Tues, 6pm | Thrive: Bootcamp
Tues, 7pm | Alpha Course
Tues | Connect Groups
Wed, 9:30am | First Steps
Wed, 11:30am | Thrive: PowerFlex
Wed, 7pm | GodFirst Youth
Wed | Connect Groups
Thur, 10am | Pop-In Café
Thur, 11:30am | MAST
Thur, Noon | Thrive: Strength & Balance
Thur, Noon | Zoom Prayer
Thur, 7:30pm | Discovering Kingdom Culture
Thur | Connect Groups
Fri 10:30am | Truth be Told-Mudeford
Sat | Alpha Holy Spirit day
For more information on our events visit the events page
Early-bird price ending at midnight on Sunday 17th March, so ladies, get your tickets booked this week!
Come and join in the fun at the 'NOW - for such a time as this' Conference. Sat 18th May.
Click here for more info and to book in.
This Sun 17th March, 7:30pm, join us for a seminar where we'll be looking at the mystery of unanswered prayer, along with developing a framework for how to understand this and process emotional pain and disappointment.
Easter is a great opportunity to share Jesus with others. We've got a number of events planned:
Sun 24th Mar, 10:30am: Palm Sunday all-age service.
Tues 26th Mar, 5:30pm: Eggcellent Easter Evening, Community Family Event.
Fri 29th Mar, 11am: Good Friday Service, The Quomps, with other Christchurch Churches.
Sun 31st Mar, 9:30am: Family Easter Egg Hunt, The Runway.
Sun 31st Mar, 10:30am: Easter Celebration & baptism, The Runway.
We've been encouraged to see so many at our Halloween and Christmas parties. Those that come all say what a great time they have had as they encounter something of the kingdom of God. On Tues 26th Mar, 5:30pm, Sam and the team are hosting an Easter-themed party at The Runway. GodFirst families, invite your friends and neighbours and please sign up here. No need for non-GodFirst-ers to sign up.
Please save the date for our Summer Camp: 23rd - 26th August. It will be at Hurst View Campsite. All further details will follow shortly, but get the date in your diary!
26th Mar | Eggcellent Easter Party
29th Mar | Good Friday Service
31st Mar | Easter Egg Hunt
31st Mar | Easter Service
31st Mar | Baptisms
18th May | Rise: NOW
29th July-3rd Aug | Newday
23rd-26th Aug | Summer Camp
11-12th Oct | Open Heaven
For more information on our events visit the events page