Weekly News: 17/01/25

This Week

Sat, 10am | Creative Spirit Space
Sun, 9:30am | Sunday Prayer
Sun, 10:30am | Sunday Service: Baptism
Sun, 7:30pm | Biblical response to homosexuality: Mick Taylor
Mon, 10am | Powerhouse
Tues, 9am | Worship, Encounter, Prayer
Tues, 6pm | Thrive: Bootcamp
Tues, 7:30pm | New Life Group
Wed, 9:30am | First Steps
Wed, 11:30am | Thrive: PowerFlex
Wed, 7pm | GodFirst Youth
Thur, 10am | Pop-In Café
Thur, 12pm | Thrive: Strength & Balance

Evening Session: A Biblical response to Homosexuality

On Sun 19th Jan, 7:30pm we have a session with Mick Taylor looking at the Biblical Response to Homosexuality. Mick is an excellent Bible teacher and this will be a great opportunity to look at this topic. Do come along to The Runway.

New Alpha Course

We're excited to let you know that the next Alpha Meal will be on Mon 3rd Feb, with the course starting on Mon 10th Feb for 8 weeks. This is a great opportunity to invite anyone you know to hear about Jesus. Physical flyers will be available next Sunday, but click here for an e-flyer. Start spreading the word and ask the Lord who you can invite.

Kids' Summer Camp

Exciting News!
Summer Camp for children in Years 2-6! We invite our kids in Years 2-6 to a Summer Camp: 11-14th Aug 2025. 
This is a 1st for us and Sam and others will be involved in the 4 days. 
For more info email Sam or book in here - deposit £85 by end of Jan, full price £250.

Church Camp: Save the Date

It's been decided that we're going ahead with another church camp Fri 22nd - Mon 25th August 2025. Please save the date and further details will follow.

Bethel Sozo Basic Training

Do remember to sign up for the Bethel Sozo training, 31st Jan - 1st Feb. To find out more please go to godfirst.church/bethel-sozo

International Mission

This week we hear updates from Health & Hope in Myanmar - please read her update at the bottom of the newsletter.


If you're able to help, please drop off these items in the yellow bucket, by the front door at The Runway: underwear, socks, deodorant, chocolate, writing materials. Thank you so much.

Christian  Unity Prayer Week

The week of 18-25th Jan is the national Christian Unity Prayer Week. Different churches in Christchurch are hosting prayer meetings each day. Click here for all the details.

Future Dates 

31st Jan | Bethel Sozo Training
7th June | RISE Ladies Conference
22nd-25th Aug | Church Camping Weekend

