In this series we want to help you develop a STRONGER faith, we will be answering difficult questions so that you can know that the Christian Faith stands strong in the face of challenge.

This week we are looking at the Question - Will the real Jesus stand up! - Thanks Charlie for helping us with this.

If you want prayer or have questions about anything then DM us on the Instagram GodFirst Youth or email sampink(at) and one of the youth team would love to pray with you.

Questions to ponder:

  1. Which of the major worldviews do you think are most common ?

  2. Which one is closest to the Christian view?

  3. What is your understanding of whom Jesus is? Give 2 main things!

  4. Look up these 4 bible verses, (John 1:1; John 3:16; John 14:6 & 1 John 1:9) and write down what they tell you about Jesus?

Here is a worship video that reminds us of the truth of who Jesus is and what he did. We hope you find it helpful and life giving.

We are now meeting in person on a Sunday Morning for Youth Discussion and on a Sunday evening for Socials - you can sign up on our events page.
