Thrive Bootcamp & Powerflex

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Thrive Bootcamp, Powerflex & HIIT

Bootcamp and Powerflex are our weekly exercise classes that we run at The Runway, the home of GodFirst.

Bootcamp runs on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm. It's a chance to really get your body working but always with the option to adjust the intensity of exercises to meet your own personal abilities and goals. We start with a warm up, followed by a programme of varied exercises including team work, drills and games. Finally, we conclude with some stretching and cooldown exercise.

Powerflex is on Wednesday mornings from 11:30am-12:15pm. It's all about toning and muscle development using light hand weights. There will be a selection of upper body, lower body and core exercises. You can adjust how hard your session is through your choice of small hand weights and resistance bands..

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is a great way to start your day. It runs on Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:15am starting 7 May 2025. After a gentle warmup, you'll alternate short periods of intense exercise and short periods of rest. It will get your blood pumping and you'll be prepared for everything the day has in store for you. If you're going straight to work afterwards then there's a shower available on site.

All sessions are led by a qualified fitness instructor.

Click Here to Book A Session

Who’s it for?

Our sessions are open to aged 16+ at GodFirst and in our local community. We'd love you to bring friends and family. 

What do I need to bring?

You should wear clothes that give you freedom to exercise, including suitable trainers. Also bring a bottle of water. If you’re planning to push yourself a bit then a handtowel might be a good idea.

All exercise equipment is provided by us.


Sessions are held at The Runway, Airfield Road, Christchurch, BH23 3TG.


Thrive Bootcamp runs on Tuesday evenings from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Thrive Powerflex runs on Wednesday mornings from 11:30am to 12:15pm.

We will always start on time. Please aim to arrive at least 5 minutes early so that you’re ready to start with us.

How much does it cost?

You are not allowed to pay for your first visit!

Our goal is to see you joining us and Thriving. We don't do this for income and you are welcome to cover every week at no cost.

However we do have some costs that we need to meet to cover equipment, heating & air conditioning costs, etc. If you'd like to contribute then you can do so in cash or using your phone when you arrive. If most people contribute £2 per session then this will meet our costs.

All contributions are anonymous - we don't know who has paid. And any material excess will be donated to charity at the end of the year.

Do I need to book?


We do need you to book in so that we can plan the activities and to help us set up the right equipment for the number of people who are coming. It really helps us plan if you’re able to book early. Numbers have to be limited in order to keep everyone safe - so that’s another great reason to book early.

Please book in advance for each session you’re joining. 

The first time you book you’ll be asked to complete a ‘Readiness Questionnaire’ but you don’t need to complete that again unless your health changes.

Click here to book :

I have another question

Just contact us at thrive(at) or chat with Dave or Rachel Hairs on a Sunday.