Thrive exists to help us all to focus some attention on looking after our bodies so that we can enjoy life and do more with it.
Our physical and mental wellbeing are closely linked and focussing some attention on looking after our bodies can give life changing benefits to our overall wellbeing.
Our bodies are an amazing gift, unbelievable in their complexity and an incredible work of creation.
Thrive exists to help you to look after that gift, be more healthy, do more and get more from life.
We're a couple who love the outdoors. Exercise and some focus on health has helped us to enjoy life and achieve more than we otherwise would have. This has been key in helping us to handle some of the challenges of life.
We're NOT health professionals but we have encouraged and helped many others to focus some attention on their fitness and bring exercise into their lives. We’ve made great friends through this process and seen those friends Thrive. We want to see this happen for you.
Everyone can benefit from focussing a little time on their body. We want to see everyone loving and caring for their body and getting as much out of life as possible.
Do any of these apply to you?
You want to do some exercise but struggle to motivate yourself through the busyness of life?
You want to spend a bit more time with others?
You haven’t exercised for a long time. You know it would be a good thing but you don’t know where or how to start?
You’ve found that getting healthy is expensive. Gym subscriptions and expensive trainers are a barrier – the investment in time is bad enough but the financial impact is a showstopper for you.
Thrive aims to make it a bit easier to focus some of your time and attention on how to look after your body. We seek to do a number of things:
Get you thinking about whether some additional focus on health would be a good thing for you
Help you make some first steps, making it easier for exercise to become a habit
Help you to become part of a community of people who want to look after their bodies
Break down some of the barriers to being healthy
Just make it easier to make exercise a regular part of your lifeexercise a little bit easier to
1. Spontaneous Groups
Join our WhatsApp groups that make it EASY to exercise with others, particularly if your lifestyle doesn’t allow you to commit to a regular exercise routine.
2. Bootcamp & Powerflex
Our weekly bootcamp will get your heart pumping and your muscles aching – but you’ll be smiling throughout. You can always exercise within your own limits. This is a great way to enjoy being healthy with others.
Powerflex is a weekly whole body workout session, focussed on toning and developing your upper, lower and core muscle groups while increasing your flexibility.
3. Strength & Balance
Our weekly class for those who feel they'd benefit from working on their mobility, strength and balance.
4. Couch to 5k
You could make running a part of your lifestyle to keep you healthy - and we want to help you. We will help you to get started and enjoy your running.
5. Thrive Events
One off events where we help you try something new or get together and Thrive with others
We have a number of ideas for the future but we really want to hear from you about what would help you to Thrive. Please get in touch with us to talk about :
How we can help you engage with the activities we’ve mentioned here.
What other activities would be of interest to you? Maybe there are others out there with the same idea as you and we can set up another Spontaneous Group or an Event.
What are your personal barriers to physically thriving? Maybe we can help you with some ideas or find someone you could talk to.
Do you have experience or qualifications that could help us to develop Thrive more in the future?
We want you to Thrive so please let us know how we can help: