
The key to understanding the "how" regarding the "greater things" and the promise "I will do whatever you ask in my name", lies in the words of Jesus: "because I am going to the father". What is contained in that statement? Jesus was saying:

  • I will have completed the work of your salvation and your becoming children of God; something which can never be reversed

  • The Holy Spirit will have been poured out on you empowering you to continue my ministry

  • In heaven I will be seated on my Father's throne directing the battle against the powers of darkness and you will be seated alongside me

  • I will continuously be interceding for you

  • I will constantly be acting as your advocate before the Father

  • You will be a demonstration of the wisdom of God to angels: the godly rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms (Their mouths will drop open when they see imperfect human beings endowed with such power that the sick are healed and the dead are raised.)

  • You will be a demonstration of the judgement of God on demons (They will tremble before you in terror.)

  • You will be a demonstration of God's amazing grace to all of creation (that mercy triumphs over judgement; that love is stronger than death; that forgiveness is more liberating than hatred; etc. etc.

Jesus is saying that, after his ascension, he would be able to continue to do everything he had been doing prior to his crucifixion and resurrection, through his disciples. What would be the only condition? That they would believe in him, obey him and respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit by stepping out in faith.

Our sins and failures – if we maintain a repentant heart and keep short accounts with God and others – do not prevent us, or hold us back to any degree whatsoever, from doing all that Jesus did. What an awesome honour and responsibility! I am only now waking up to this. We will be dependent on God's power and will need to work together in pairs and teams, but with God all things will be possible!

What does all this mean for each of us personally? How should we respond? Here are four suggestions:

Make room in your heart for God's Word

Make room in your discipleship for correction

Make room in your life for non-Christians

Make room in your expectations for the supernatural
