Although we must expect and pursue the supernatural, we cannot assume it will always be successful when it comes to evangelism, or underestimate the devil's power and scheming to nullifying its affect.
Jim White was used to lift a young crippled boy from his wheelchair and watch him walk, fully healed, but when his older brother came back later to pick him up, he forced him back into his chair and he never left it again. When the evangelist Eric Cowley ran a campaign in Guinea-Bissau, a well-known cripple who could be seen begging in a wheelchair outside the capital city's central post office every day, was totally healed. However, at the end of the meeting, although able to walk perfectly, he was seen searching for his wheelchair. When asked why, he said: "I have no living without it. Where would I get the money I need to live?" He retrieved his chair and the next day was back begging.
The Grand Imam in Bissau who lived just outside our mission compound used to come in to honour us by asking for alms. He was very old, slight of stature, and looked regal in his brilliant white robes. I became rather fond of him. Then one day I heard he was ill and telling folk he was dying. I went round to see him and asked to pray for his healing in Jesus' name. I thought he would refuse, but he didn't. I admit that my faith levels were not very high. A few days later I paid him another visit and he was back to normal! I was amazed! I said to him: "God has healed you in Jesus' name!" He replied: "If it had been God he would have killed me! It was you who healed me!" And I couldn't persuade him otherwise.
The Jewish leaders kept asking Jesus for a sign to prove his identity although such signs were being performed every day before their very eyes. Ten lepers were miraculously healed, but the heart of only one was deeply touched and transformed.
Jesus told a story of a rich man who had no concern for others and no fear of the Lord in his heart. At his gate lay a poor beggar named Lazarus who was covered with sores. The rich man ignored him. Both died and the rich man went to hell and Lazarus went to heaven. In torment the rich man pleaded that Lazarus be sent to his father's house to warn his brothers. The reply he got was: "They have Moses and the Prophets, let them listen to them". "No. But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent." "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."
But, and this is a massive but, when a man who had been paralysed and bed ridden for eight years was healed instantly through Peter's ministry, "the whole population of Lydda and Sharon … turned to the Lord". And when news spread through the town of Joppa that Tabitha had been raised from the dead, "many believed in the Lord" (Acts 9:32-43).