Sat, 10:00am | Creative Spirit Space
Sun, 9:50am | Upper Room Prayer
Sun, 10:30am | Sunday Service
Sun, 12:30pm | Lunch Together
Mon, 10:30am | Powerhouse
Tues, 10:30am | Truth be Told: Southbourne
Tues, Noon | Zoom Prayer
Tues, 6pm | Thrive Bootcamp
Wed, 9:30am | First Steps
Wed, 11:30am | Thrive PowerFlex
Wed, 3:45pm | Lift Off
Thurs, 10am | Pop-In Café
Thurs, Noon | Zoom Prayer
Fri, 10:30am | Truth be Told: Mudeford
For more information on our events visit the events page
This Sunday, 19th Nov, we're having lunch together after the morning service. This is a great way to get to know others and to build community. Bring your own savoury food and something sweet to share. See you there!
As you read this Duncan & Jo, Morné & Leanne and Dave & Kim Oliver are on their way to Athens for a short-term mission trip - they'll be working with a local church and serving the refugees there. Please pray for them as they serve and explore any future connections.
We have Pete Carter joining us from Eastgate on Sun 26th Nov. Pete will be preaching in the morning, continuing our Holy Spirit series. In the evening, Pete will be holding a ‘Freedom Masterclass’ at The Runway, which we would love to encourage you to attend. Click here to sign up and for full details of this event.
We're excited to be hosting the first GodFirst Christmas Fair. With over 20 stalls, come to The Runway on Sat 2nd Dec, 1:30-4pm and enjoy live music and maybe some Christmas shopping. Spread the word.
We're looking forward to our GodFirst Christmas Quiz on Sat 2nd Dec, 7pm at The Runway. The quiz will be suitable for older children, teenagers, up to those in their 90's and beyond! So come as a team, come with all your family, come ready to form a team with others on the night. Come as you are! We will provide tea and coffee - bring snacks and other drinks with you to enjoy on the evening. Sign up here.
Following the success of the Treat or Treat party, we'd love to invite those with 4-11yr olds to our Christmas Party on Tue 12th Dec, 5:30-7pm. There'll be games, activities, crafts & food. Bring friends along to join in the fun. Please can church families Sign up here.
Tony Horsfall has co-written a great devotional book, Knowing You, Jesus. It will be available to buy after the service this Sunday, so pick one up at a special GodFirst discounted rate of £15.
We believe in believers baptism and would love to invite you to explore it with us. Maybe you're a new believer or maybe you've followed Jesus for years, but never been baptised as a believer, then this session is for you. Come along on Sun 10th Dec, 11am (during the preach) and we'll explore it together (in preparation for baptisms on Sun 21st Jan). Please sign up here.
Starting on Mon 15th Jan, 7pm - 9:30 at The Runway, we will be beginning a 7 week course for people of GodFirst who have been bereaved; whether the bereavement of a child, sibling, parent or spouse. The course is an excellent series of videos, prepared by the charity Ataloss for churches to run, which are followed by small discussion groups. There will be a charge of £10 to help cover booklet costs. There are only 12 places, so if you would like to attend the course, or have questions, please contact Linda King or Paul Cox: .
Also, we'd love 2 or 3 volunteers, from 6:45-7:30pm, to welcome guests and show them to the hosting room. If you're able to help with this, again please contact Linda.
As Christmas approaches, Christchurch Foodbank + would love you to get involved with the Reverse Advent Box giveaways. Click here to see all of the details. Let's bless those in need in our community this Christmas season.
2nd Dec | Christmas Fair
2nd Dec | Christmas Quiz
12th Dec | Joy to the World Party
16th Dec | Christingle Service
17th Dec | Carol Service
For more information on our events visit the events page