Weekly News 8/12/23

This Week

Sun, 9:50am | Upper Room Prayer
Sun, 10:30am | Sunday Service
Sun, 11am | Exploring Baptism
Sun, 5pm | Youth: Silent Disco
Sun, 6:30pm | 18-30s Social
Mon, 10:30am | Powerhouse
Mon, 7:30pm | Pastoral Interest Evening
Tues, 10:30am | Truth be Told: Southbourne
Tues, Noon | Zoom Prayer
Tues, 5:30pm | Joy to the World Party
Tues, 6pm | Thrive Bootcamp
Wed, 9:30am | First Steps 
Wed, 11:30am | Thrive PowerFlex
Wed, 3:45pm | Lift Off
Wed, 7pm | Youth
Thurs, 10am | Pop-In Café
Thurs, Noon | Zoom Prayer
Fri, 10:30am | Truth be Told: Mudeford
Sat, 10am | Creative Spirit Space
Sat, 4pm | Christingle
Sun, 6:30pm | Carol Service
For more information on our events visit the events page

Joy to the World Party

Join us for our children's Christmas Party on Tue 12th Dec, 5:30-7pm. There'll be games, activities, crafts & food. Bring friends along to join in the fun. Please can church families Sign up here.

Prayer Day

We are excited to confirm a date for our January prayer day! Please save the date - Sat 20th Jan, 10am-5pm at The Runway - more details to follow soon. 

Pastoral Interest Evening

Loving our neighbour takes form in various ways; caring for those closest to us, those we sit next to and walk alongside each other through different seasons. On 11th Dec and 8th Jan, we are running two Pastoral Interest Evenings, where you can hear more about Pastoral Care in GodFirst and how you could be involved. If you would like more information and to sign up click here for Dec or here for Jan, or email Paul Cox.

Christingle Bag Making

Come and help put together the Christingle packs on Thur 14th Dec from 9.30-11.30am! Always so much fun and gets us all in the Christmas mood - if you can give your time, please email Sam

International Mission

This week we hear from Chris & Adrienne in Cambodia. Please scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to read their update.​​​​​​​

Jam Jars Needed!

If you have empty glass jars (any shape or size) that you're happy to get rid of, please can you give them to Sam Pink by Sunday. Thank you!​​​​​​​

Update from Christchurch Food Bank

Thank you to all who've given reverse Advent Calendars, they are such a blessing. On Sat 23rd Dec, we'll be delivering turkeys in the community; if you're able to help, please email the food bank. Their present needs are crisps, dry rice, cereal, tinned curry, stew and chilli and toilet rolls.  ​​​​​

Future Dates

12th Dec | Joy to the World Party
16th Dec | Christingle Service
17th Dec | Carol Service
31st Dec | NO Service
20th Jan | Prayer Day
For more information on our events visit the events page
