Watch the story
Activities/Info for the parents
Thomas wanted to touch Jesus so that he could be certain that Jesus really was alive. He needed to see and feel to believe.
Play: put an item in the non transparent bag, can your child work out what is in the bag just by feeling it? You could use a blindfold instead of a bag if you prefer. Is it easy to work out what is in the bag? It would be much easier to look! Sometimes we need to see things with our own eyes so that we can understand.
We can't see Jesus with our own eyes but we can believe that he is alive. Jesus told his friends he was going to die, and he did. He told them that he would come back to life, and he did. Jesus kept his promises. We can trust Jesus.
Use the craft to remember Thomas seeing and touching Jesus. When Thomas realised that Jesus was alive, he praised him. How can you praise God today? Ask God to help you to understand when things are difficult and to trust in him.