The Very Rich Man

3-4s | Sunday 28th February 2021

The Precious Pearl

Watch the story the story here

Info/activities for Parents

The man in the story was very rich. He had lots and lots of money and things. He also had a hat with a feather. It was special to him. It was his favourite. Have you got a favourite and special thing? It might be a cuddly toy or special blanket, a favourite toy or book. The man in the story found a pearl that was amazingly beautiful and he really wanted to have it. He had to sell everything that he had and pay all his money to try and get it. It still wasn't enough. He had to sell his favourite hat! The pearl was so amazing that he gave up his most precious thing to get it. This story tells us that being friends with God is more special and important than anything else in the world!

Thank God that he wants to be friends with us and remember that he is more special than anything else in the world.

There is a colouring sheet and also some pearl dominoes that you could play. You need to match the different types of pearl. If you didn't want to play dominoes, you could hide the pictures and go on a hunt to find the most precious pearl in the set.

Click here to print the colouring sheet

Click here to print the dominoes
