The Cat’s Tale
Watch the story the story here
Info/activates for Parents
Have you ever been to a party before? What did you like best at the
party? Did you have fun? Jesus and his friends liked parties too. A
wedding is an extra special party, so it would have been a disaster to
run out of drinks! In the cat's story, did you see the lady talking to
Jesus' mummy? She was worried that they didn't have enough wine. What
did Jesus' mummy do? Straight away she went to tell Jesus the problem,
She knew he could help! Jesus showed how powerful he was by turning
the water into wine. Nothing is too difficult for him! This was the
first time Jesus showed everyone how special he was, it was his first
miracle. Lots of people believed in him after seeing the miracle.
Jesus didn't make more wine just so the party wouldn't end, He was
showing everyone that he was there to bring people joy!
When we have a problem, we can go straight to Jesus to ask him to help
us. There is nothing that he can't do. Jesus' mummy told the servants
to do exactly what Jesus told them. We can listen to the instructions
Jesus gives us too.
3 Activities
1. Sing my God is so big, so strong and so mighty with your family. Ask
God to help you with anything that you need or something that you are
worried about. Remember, nothing is impossible for God!
2. If you have some red food colouring at home, try this object lesson
Have a go at the craft or colouring page and remind yourself of the story.