How Generous is our God! - Gift Day Special

5-11s | Sunday 7th March

We hope you joined us at 9.30am on our zoom call if not email hello(at) and we will send you the link for next week.

Today Sam spoke about how generous God is towards us and how that changes our hearts and means we can be generous to others. Wow that’s cool!

Above is a video reminding us of the story of how Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana - you can read about it in John 2.

Here is the song that we learnt this week can you remember the actions!

Activities for this week.

  • Here is a sheet full of puzzles that Deb has made for you! It also includes some questions for you to talk about as a family. Enjoy. Find it here

  • Here is a colouring sheet of today’s story Find it here

The Competition!

  • There is no competition this week but we would love you to draw a picture to say thank you to all the Mums in the church! Send it to Sam by Wednesday 10th!
