We hope you joined us at 9.30am on our zoom call if not email
and we will send you the link for next week.This morning we kicked off our new series on Learning to Think and Live Like Jesus. There was a crazy messy challenge and we most importantly discovered who Jesus was. Who do you think he is? If he is God then that makes him worth following with all we have!
Above is a video that tells the story of when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He had been dead 4 days and so would have been rather smelly! Can you imagine someone who can raise someone from the dead - they must be God surely? You can read the story in John 11 verses 17-27.
Here is another video that shows you who Jesus is. He is surely someone we want to act like!
Activities for this week.
Here is the 1st week of our brand new Crystal Maze challenge sheets. Each week there is a Spiritual, Mental, Physical and Skill challenge for you and your family to complete. Learning, training raining and developing is an important part of our Christian lives as we learn how to Think and Live like Jesus.
Here is a colouring sheet of today’s story.
The Competition!
Our current competition is going to run over 3 weeks and you need to do the 1st 3 weeks of our Crystal Maze challenge sheets - send a picture of the 3 completed sheets to Sam at
The deadline is Thursday 1st April. Results on Easter Sunday every entry wins a prize!