Mission Possible - Session 1

The Great Commission

5-11s | Sunday 13th June

For those of you in Year 3-6 you are welcome to join us on our 9.30am zoom call if not email hello(at)godfirst.church and we will send you the link for next week. For those of you in Year R to Year 3 you are welcome to join us in person at church - sign up for one of our Children’s Ministry Tickets.

This morning we began a new series on how God has given us a great mission and how he has given us Holy Spirit to help us!

Here is a video of the story we talked about today from Matthew 28 v18-20 - The Great Commission

This Song is like a Prayer! It’s about us declaring that we want to see Jesus’ name spoken out around the world.

Today’s bible story

If you want to read it again it comes from Matt 28 v16-20 and Acts 2 v1-42.

Activities for this week.

  • Here is some colouring to help you remember the story and verses today.

  • Here is a colouring sheet around the story today.

  • Here is a wordsearch to help you remember the series

  • Here is a Crossword to do!

We look forward to seeing you next week!
