Mission Possible - Session 2

Who is Holy Spirit?

5-11s | Sunday 20th June

For those of you in Year 3-6 you are welcome to join us on our 9.30am zoom call if not email hello(at)godfirst.church and we will send you the link for next week. For those of you in Year R to Year 3 you are welcome to join us in person at church - sign up for one of our Children’s Ministry Tickets.

This morning we continue our new series on how God has given us a great mission and how he has given us Holy Spirit to help us!

Trying to understand the Trinity is tricky - but this video helps us. Also can you remember the illustration with Neapolitan Ice Cream - All are Ice Cream, Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla, and all are just as much Ice Cream as the other but different flavours. Talk to your family about how this is a bit like God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Remember too Holy Spirit is a person. We can make him happy or sad. Read Eph 4 v30.

We listened to this song in Kids Work as we listened to what God said about us. Have a listen and a sing too!

Today’s bible story

We recapped on last week’s story from Acts 2.

Activities for this week.

  • Here is some colouring to help you remember the story and verses today.

  • Here is a wordsearch to help you remember the series

We look forward to seeing you next week!
