Names of God - Session 5

Lamb of God

5-11s | Sunday 24th May 2020


Main Aim:

One of the names of God is ‘Lamb of God’ a lamb was killed in the old testament so that people could have their sins forgiven.  Jesus is the perfect Lamb of God who is able to take away the sin of the whole world. 


The teaching session

Watch Sam’s Talk on the Name of God – Lamb of God. 


Draw a picture of a Lamb and with a pencil write some things that you do that you know Jesus has forgiven you for.  Rub them out with a rubber and thank Jesus that you have been made clean! 


Activity – Craft 

You can have fun making a lamb using a paper plate or card, cotton wool and pegs for feet!

Think of Jesus as you make this and his forgiveness for you and every time you look at it this week. Keep your lamb safely as you may want to look back at it again in a few weeks time.

If you want any example how to make one you can watch this video.

Worship Song: He will make us clean

Listen to the song by Doug Horley and spend some time soaking in God’s presence.

Activity: - Have communion as a family together and remember Jesus dying on a cross for you as the perfect Lamb of God. 


Worksheets:  Enjoy the sheets that Deb has created for you this week! click here
