Names of God – Session 2

Light of the World

5-11s | Sunday 3rd May 2020


Aim:  Today we will learn that Jesus is the light of the world and when we ask Jesus to be our Friend, the Holy Spirit lives in us and shines out of us so that we are lights too. 

Bible verses:  

John 8.12; I am the Light of the world. The person who follows me will never walk in darkness.  He will have the light that gives life.  ICB

John 9.5;  while I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.  ICB

Matthew 5.14-16.  You are the light that gives light to the world. A city that is built on a hill cannot be hidden. And people don't hide a light under a bowl. They put the light on a lamp stand. Then the light shines for all the people in the house. In the same way, you should be light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do. Live so that they will praise your Father in heaven.  ICB

Teaching: Watch Sybil give us our teaching for today! 

Let's PRAY together.

Dear Lord Jesus. Thank You that You are the Light of the world. Thank You that when 

You live in us You help us to be shining lights for You. Please help us every day.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Worship Time – Its time for Tracy’s favourite song!  - SHINE

Here it is on You Tube – have some fun teaching your parents the actions! 

If you want to spend some time soaking in God’s presence then this song might help you it’s about the Light of the World 

Activities to get involved in!

1. Light a candle and watch it burning. Draw it and look carefully at the colours, especially right at the bottom of the flame. The closer you look, the more detail you will see - it’s like that with Jesus!

Everyday this week, light your candle when you pray and remember that Jesus is the light of the world.

2. Find a sheet of paper and draw a line down the centre. Make two lists of people that you influence.  On one side, list the people that you influence in a good way. It's probably quite a long list. On the other side think whether there is anyone that you are a bad influence to?  

PRAY and ask God to help you be a better friend to them.

3. People have said that the only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of darkness fleeing?  What do you think of that? Is it true? Can you plan a video or try some games or experiments to do at home based on light overcoming darkness? We would love hear about any games or experiments you tried. And please send us your video if you make one.

4. Read the Bible verses below and think about what they say. Do you want your life to be full of light? Write a prayer telling God about those things you find difficult and asking God to help.


Going Deeper – if any of you want to look at more verses here are some! 

John 1.4-9 In him (Jesus) there was life. That life was light for the people of the world. The Light shines in the darkness. And the darkness has not overpowered the Light.  ICB

John 3.19-21 I am the Light from God that has come into the world. But men did not want light. They wanted darkness because they were doing evil things. Everyone who does evil hates the light. He will not come to the light because it will show all the evil things he has done. But he who follows the true way comes to the light. Then the light will show that the things he has done were done through God.   ICB

1 John 1.7 God is in the light. We should live in the light, too. If we live in the light, we share fellowship with each other. And when we live in the light, the blood of the death of Jesus, God's Son, is making us clean from every sin.   ICB

Philippians 2.15 ... But you are living with crooked and mean people all around you. Among them you shine like stars in the dark world.  ICB

Worksheets for this morning are here! 

Light of the World Worksheets 

